Throughout the years we have had many AKC Champions,
here are just a few that have contributed to our strong foundation of quality.
Ch Ambrier's Breakin All the Rules, ROMX

Ch. Alisan's Amazing Amanda, ROMX
Best Puppy in TSCA BOB Match Arizona
Ch. Tibroke's Dangersnostranger, ROMX
BOB at the 1st TSCA national Specialty
Ch. Tibroke's Love Me Loves Me Not, ROM

Multiple Group winner, placer and breed winner
Ch. Tibroke's Buck Wheat, ROM

Ch. Tibroke's Beam Me Up

Multiple breed and group winner & placer
Ch. Tibroke's Satin Stitches, ROMX

Ch. Tamzil Tibroke Brilliant Idea, ROMX

Finished w/3 majors at 7 months old.
Ch. Tibroke's Calirose Star Search

"Twinkle" was Best Puppy at the
2004 TSCA National Specialty in Louisville, KY